Tis the new year and it may be time for a new car. If you are in the market for a new vehicle, this article gives you the information you may need insuring it. After you have picked out the car of your dreams, the next step is to get that baby insured! Car insurance can be one of those “black hole” expenses that we never seem to really understand but we have to have it. Do you know for certain that you have the best deal on your car insurance? Do you have only the coverage you need or are you paying for more bells and whistles than you could ever use? Americans overspend on auto insurance by nearly $21 billion per year, according to data from financial site Credit Karma.
Having the following information handy will make getting an insurance quote quick and easy, but more importantly, give you an accurate rate
- DOB(s) of all drivers on the policy
- Vehicle storage location address(es)
- Driver’s license information of all drivers on the policy
- Driving records of all driving on the policy
- Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN) of all vehicles on the policy
- Insurance history of all drivers on the policy
The insurance company will pull an MVR, a Motor Vehicle Report when creating your quote. An MVR is simply a snapshot of your driving record. Insurance companies use your MVR to project what kind of driver and client you might be. If you've provided accurate information for your quote, your premium will reflect that and you should be set.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me. I am here to help you have the best car buying experience possible and that includes insurance and all the extras. Contact me today!
Austin Pattillo
(901) 831-2953
Homer Skelton Ford